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Pure Produce

A huge thank you to our neighbor, Farmer Alex, for supplying his fresh, local veggies, for our amazing lunch menu.


Pure Produce is a local to the Sebastian, Florida area along the beautiful Indian River. The hydroponic farm, is primarily located in between  Orlando and West Palm Beach. It is a family owned and operated business since 1982. Chuck Gomez and his Wife Maria Gomez started the business with great interest in clean fresh local food production to make a living and feed their family. With each passing year the business grew, one greenhouse at a time, and so did the family; two sons, Alex and Andrew, and their youngest daughter, Vanessa. Currently, the oldest son, Alex Gomez, now operates the business and does all the growing. Vanessa maintains the marketing aspect of the business. They have 18 full size, imperial style, greenhouses that have stood the test of time. Pure Produce Farm grows delicious Baby English cucumbers, Beefsteak Tomatoes, Heirloom Tomatoes, Cherry Tomatoes, Holland Sweet Bell Peppers, several varieties of Butter Lettuce and herbs such as Arugula, Kale and Watercress - "Everything for a Great Salad!". The produce is grown inside clear plastic Greenhouses that utilize natural sunlight while protecting the plants from harsh weather conditions and bugs. Everything is hand picked and packed using no machines. The plants are well taken care of using the cleanest methods possible. Pure Produce takes pride in using little or no pesticides on their plants. Hydroponic is considered the highest quality food that can be attained. So, as time moves on, the family will continue to keep growing the best food possible for themselves, their family, friends and for all who care about what is put into their bodies. 

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